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Infrastructure assets are at the core of all economic activity and daily life. They include things like airports, electrical utilities and mobile phone towers, which provide essential products and services across the globe. The underlying businesses often have defensive characteristics, and generate stable and predictable cash flows for investors.

Yield and capital appreciation

(high cash flow visibility)

Portfolio construction benefits

(tends to have lower correlation to traditional asset classes)

Embedded inflation protection

(in GDP sensitive assets)

Access to illiquidity premium

(characteristic of private markets asset class)

Significant investable opportunity set

(a large and scalable need for private capital)

Opportunity to invest responsibly

Transition to smart, sustainable infrastructure

  • Aims to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns in a diversified portfolio of high-quality global private infrastructure assets.
  • Brings extensive infrastructure experience, a responsible, active investing approach and robust governance to this unique asset class.
  • Seeks to leverage partnerships with experienced and aligned institutional co-investors such as pension plans, established corporate entities and global asset managers.
  • Open-ended to align investor capital with the long asset lives of private infrastructure assets.

Target allocations


To learn more about RBC Global Infrastructure Fund LP, speak to an advisor.


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