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RBC Multi-Strategy Alpha Fund is a diversified alternative investment solution that seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation while seeking to minimize corresponding levels of risk, volatility and correlation to traditional asset classes.

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Absolute return focus

The Fund seeks to deliver consistent, conservative returns with moderate downside risk through all market cycles.

Complementary investment

By sourcing returns from multiple asset classes while limiting broad market risk, the Fund can complement traditional equity and fixed income investments, diversifying risk and adding new sources of return potential to a portfolio.

Ease of implementation

Diversified by region and strategy, the Fund provides investors with strategic and tactical management, as well as risk oversight, in a single investment.

Attractive fee structure

Investors pay only the management and performance fees associated with each underlying strategy. Asset allocation, strategic and tactical management, and risk oversight are integrated into the management of the Fund at no additional cost.

Sample strategy mix1

Absolute return
Core income strategies combined with relative value and opportunistic trading across North-American markets; tactical application of hedging and leverage
Commercial real estate
Mortgages: High yield and opportunistic commercial mortgages on income-producing properties in Canada
Direct Equity: Direct Canadian real estate in core assets and markets
Event driven credit
Unique, stressed and/or distressed credit situations with significant upside potential combined with portfolio hedges and opportunistic shorting
Global macro
Investing long/short across interest rates, currencies, and sovereign credits across global markets
Market neutral equity
Long securities expected to outperform while shorting those expected to underperform; low expected correlation and beta to broad equity and fixed income markets
Short-term liquidity buffer used to facilitate fund cash flows and rebalancing trades
Relative value credit
Relative value investing across global investment grade sovereign and corporate credit, interest rates, and currencies
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1For illustrative purposes only. Strategy mix reflects our macroeconomic outlook, expectations of market evolution, and underlying strategy contributions to the fund’s risk and performance objectives.


To learn more about RBC Multi-Strategy Alpha Fund, speak to an advisor.

RBC Global Asset Management Alternative Investment Solutions are generally available only to Canadian resident investors that qualify under either the "accredited investor" exemption or "minimum purchase amount" exemption (for Canadian resident investors other than in Alberta) under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions ("NI 45-106"). Please refer to NI 45-106 for more information regarding the availability of these exemptions.

If you qualify for one of these exemptions, then please accept the disclaimer below to learn more about RBC Global Asset Management Alternative Investment Solutions.


Any document or report available on this website is published for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation or invitation to buy or sell a fund or any securities or related financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all price information is indicative only. Any investment and economic outlook information contained in this report has been compiled by RBC GAM from various sources. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by RBC GAM, its affiliates or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. RBC GAM and its affiliates assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Investments in alternative funds are speculative and involve significant risk of loss of all or a substantial amount of your investment. Alternative funds may: (i) engage in leverage and other speculative investment practices that may increase the risk of investment loss; (ii) can be highly illiquid; (iii) are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information to investors; and (iv) are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as prospectus-offered mutual funds. In assessing the suitability of an investment, investors should carefully consider their personal circumstances including time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge and attitude toward price fluctuations.

The information available on this website is provided without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient and does not constitute investment, tax, accounting or legal advice. Recipients are strongly advised to make an independent review with their own advisors and reach their own conclusions regarding the investment merits and risks, legal, credit, tax and accounting aspects of any transactions.

The offering of units of RBC Global Asset Management Alternative Investment Solutions are made pursuant to each respective offering memorandum, and only to those investors in jurisdictions of Canada who meet certain eligibility requirements. Please read the offering memorandum carefully before investing.



This information is not intended to be an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or to participate in or subscribe for any service. No securities are being offered, except pursuant and subject to the respective offering documents and subscription materials, which may be provided to qualified investors only, and not to any other category of investor. This document is for general information only and is not, nor does it purport to be, a complete description of an investment in any RBC investment fund. If there is an inconsistency between this document and the respective offering documents, the provisions of the respective offering documents shall prevail. Investments in alternative funds are speculative and involve significant risk of loss of all or a substantial amount of your investment. Alternative funds (i) may engage in leverage and other speculative investment practices that may increase the risk of investment loss; (ii) can be highly illiquid; (iii) are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information to investors; and (iv) are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as prospectus-offered mutual funds. In assessing the suitability of these investments, investors should carefully consider their personal circumstances, including time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge and attitude toward price fluctuations. Investors should consult their professional advisors and consultants regarding any tax, accounting, legal or financial considerations before making a decision as to whether the funds mentioned in this material are a suitable investment for them. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the Fund’s offering documents before investing. The performance data provided assumes reinvestment of distributions only and does not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. The unit values of mutual funds change frequently. The unit values of non-money market funds change frequently. Past performance may not be repeated.