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Dan Chornous
Chief Investment Officer

The asset management industry has come through a period of remarkable growth in the last 20, 25 years, and this firm itself is 20 times the size it was in 2002.

Sarah Riopelle
Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions

We've learned from our successes, we've learned from our mistakes, and we've really been able to leverage that experience to put the best possible solution set in the marketplace for our clients.

Eric Lascelles
Chief Economist

One of the benefits of being part of a large diversified global asset manager is that we have the resources to invest in teams that don't always exist elsewhere in the investment world.

Sarah Riopelle
Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions

Our focus on globalizing the firm and making sure we have all of the pieces that we need to build a truly globally diversified portfolio has really been a differentiator for us and one that we've worked really hard at developing.

Mark Dowding
BlueBay Chief Investment Officer
RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

In a world where markets are more interconnected, the more breadth that we have, the more expertise, the more interconnected that we are, we think we will end up generating better investment insights to the benefit of all of our clients on a global basis.

Hanif Mamdani
Managing Director & Head of Alternative Investments

I think having boots on the ground in a variety of important financial centres, London, Hong Kong, New York, Toronto, Vancouver really makes this a much richer organization.

Irene Fernando
Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, North American Equities

I think like never before, our global platform offers a significant range of products for pretty much anyone out there. We've been adding pretty creative solutions for advisors, creative portfolio sets for retail investors, and every year there's innovation.

Polina Kurdyavko
Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of BlueBay Emerging Markets
RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

The key qualities that have remained with the firm throughout has always been the focus on innovation, focus on capital preservation and focus on evolution with the markets.

Andrzej Skiba
Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of U.S. Fixed Income
RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

You cannot stand still. You have to keep getting better at what you do. And absolutely, that involves investment in technology that we use day to day.

Dagmara Fijalkowski
Managing Director, Senior Portfolio Manager & Head of Global Fixed Income & Currencies

We are investing heavily in these tools and we are also as professionals, constantly learning and adding to our skill sets

Dan Chornous
Chief Investment Officer

We never get tired of finding new ways to improve upon our process and develop better track records for our clients.

Sarah Riopelle
Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions

That's the most important thing, is that every decision that we make is about what is in the best interest of the clients, and that's the key driver.

Mayur Nallamala
Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer & Head of Asian Equities
RBC Global Asset Management (Asia) Limited

So I think one of the key things is as a global group of investors, because of the philosophy and the common aims that we all aim for, we hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Damon Williams
Chief Executive Officer

I do think that's the standard we hold ourselves to, is that our activities always add value for our clients. And I think that's really powerful.