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Have you ever noticed how many complex things we use in our day-to-day lives? Take a car, for example. With the push of a button, it miraculously hums to life - but how many of us know what's really going on underneath the hood?

The same can be true for investments. Let's look at RBC Portfolio Solutions. 

Similar to a car getting us to a destination, we can rely on RBC Portfolio Solutions to help us reach a financial goal.

They are built and managed by a highly experienced team of experts. Portfolio manager Sarah Riopelle is supported by a team of well over 350 investment professionals around the world.

This includes the RBC GAM Investment Strategy Committee, the RBC GAM Investment Policy Committee, and the many talented portfolio managers and analysts that work on the underlying funds within each portfolio.

Instead of analyzing aerodynamics and range, Sarah and the team monitor global economies, interest rates, currencies, corporate profits, equity market valuations and financial market liquidity conditions, to name a few of the ever-changing elements that can affect every investment decision.

With over 35 years of asset allocation experience, RBC Global Asset Management has a time-tested approach to active management and portfolio monitoring.

Along the way, we've also hired top talent, invested in best-in-class tools, acquired top-tier firms like Phillips Hager & North and BlueBay Asset Management, and struck a strategic alliance with BlackRock Canada to create RBC iShares. Most recently, we’ve added expertise in alternatives as a new asset class, to enhance portfolio diversification.

This dedication to excellence allows us to offer an unparalleled range of offerings, evolving to include new capabilities, geographic regions, and investment approaches, all in the pursuit of better investor outcomes.

Sarah and the team also tactically fine tune each portfolio's asset mix to take advantage of short-term opportunities, without losing sight of the portfolio's long-term objective.

There are so many complex considerations when managing a comprehensive investment like RBC Portfolio Solutions that no one person could do it alone.

By making one simple decision to invest in RBC Portfolio Solutions, you receive a fully integrated investment that is aligned with your goals and will help you get to your destination.


Please consult your advisor and read the prospectus or Fund Facts document before investing. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. RBC Funds, BlueBay Funds and PH&N Funds are offered by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and distributed through authorized dealers.