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Welcome to the new RBC iShares digital experience.

Find all things ETFs here: investment strategies, products, insights and more.

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You travel the world.

You shop the world.

Why not invest the world?

Welcome to world-wise investing with RBC Global Portfolios.

When you travel, many memorable experiences await. With a local guide, you can discover all kinds of exciting things you might not find on your own.

What if you had a guide to help you invest globally. With RBC Global Portfolios, you do.

We have local teams, in the world’s top financial centres, working to make it easier for you to invest beyond Canada’s borders.

Did you know that Canada represents a small portion of the world’s financial markets? By tapping into the vast investment universe outside of Canada, you can benefit from growth and innovation happening around the world.

Diversify your portfolio and access greater opportunities to grow your wealth.

RBC Global Portfolios feature a carefully chosen blend of RBC, PH&N, Bluebay funds, and RBC iShares ETFs.

That’s not all.

The people behind our global portfolios, have been building and managing portfolio solutions for over 35 years.

Lead portfolio manager, Sarah Riopelle, draws on the expertise of investment professionals around the world.

Keeping a close eye on ever changing global economic conditions.

So let RBC Global Asset Management be your guide.

Together we can explore the opportunities the world has to offer. There’s only one decision you have to make. What kind of world-wise investor do you want to be?


This has been provided by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBC GAM) for informational purposes only and may not be reproduced, distributed or published without written consent of RBC GAM. It is not intended to provide legal, tax, investment, or financial or other advice and such information should not be relied upon for providing such advice. RBC GAM takes reasonable steps to provide up-to-date, accurate and reliable information, and believes the information to be so when provided, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by RBC GAM, its affiliates or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable but RBC GAM and its affiliates assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited.
For advisor use only. Not for further redistribution to clients or the public.